import math from interval_utils import * import gui import random class Strategy: def __init__(self, c): = (0,0) self.has_target = False self.target_cell = None self.color = (0,0,0) self.c = c def get_my_smallest(self): return sorted(self.c.player.own_cells, key = lambda x: x.mass)[0] def dist(self, cell): return math.sqrt((cell.pos[0][0])**2 + (cell.pos[1][1])**2) def edible(self, cell): return ((cell.is_food) or (cell.mass <= self.get_my_smallest().mass * 0.75)) and not (cell.is_virus) def threat(self, cell): if cell.is_virus and (cell.mass <= self.get_my_smallest().mass * 0.75): return True elif (cell.mass <= self.get_my_smallest().mass * 1.25): return True else: return False def rival(self, cell, food): if cell.is_virus or cell.is_food: return False if cell.cid in self.c.player.own_ids: return False if cell.mass < 1.25*self.get_my_smallest().mass: return food.is_food or cell.size > 1.25*food.size else: return False def splitkiller(self, cell): return not cell.is_virus and not cell.is_food and cell.mass > 1.25*2*self.get_my_smallest().mass def nonsplitkiller(self, cell): return not cell.is_virus and not cell.is_food and 1.20*self.get_my_smallest().mass < cell.mass and cell.mass < 1.25*2*self.get_my_smallest().mass def quality(self, cell): dd_sq = max((cell.pos[0][0])**2 + (cell.pos[1][1])**2,0.001) sigma = 500 dist_score = -math.exp(-dd_sq/(2*sigma**2)) rivals = filter(lambda r : self.rival(r,cell), splitkillers = filter(self.splitkiller, nonsplitkillers = filter(self.nonsplitkiller, rival_score = 0 for r in rivals: dd_sq = max(0.001, (r.pos[0]-cell.pos[0])**2 + (r.pos[1]-cell.pos[1])**2) sigma = r.size + 100 rival_score += math.exp(-dd_sq/(2*sigma**2)) splitkill_score = 0 for s in splitkillers: dd_sq = max(0.001, (s.pos[0]-cell.pos[0])**2 + (s.pos[1]-cell.pos[1])**2) sigma = (500+2*s.size) splitkill_score += math.exp(-dd_sq/(2*sigma**2)) nonsplitkill_score = 0 for s in nonsplitkillers: dd_sq = max(0.001, (s.pos[0]-cell.pos[0])**2 + (s.pos[1]-cell.pos[1])**2) sigma = (300+s.size) nonsplitkill_score += math.exp(-dd_sq/(2*sigma**2)) density_score = 0 sigma = 300 for f in filter(lambda c : c.is_food and c!=cell, dd_sq = (f.pos[0]-cell.pos[0])**2 + (f.pos[1]-cell.pos[1])**2 density_score -= math.exp(-dd_sq/(2*sigma**2)) wall_score = 0 wall_dist = min( cell.pos[0][1],[1]-cell.pos[0], cell.pos[1][0],[0]-cell.pos[1] ) sigma = 100 wall_score = math.exp(-wall_dist**2/(2*sigma**2)) return 2.5*dist_score + 0.2*rival_score + nonsplitkill_score + 5*splitkill_score + 0.1*density_score + 5*wall_score ##print (density_score) #return density_score def weight_cell(self, cell): df = (10/self.dist(cell)) if self.edible(cell): quality = self.quality(cell) if cell.is_food: return 1 + cell.mass * df * quality else: mf = 1 / ((self.get_my_smallest().mass * 0.75) + 1) - cell.mass return cell.mass * df * quality * mf elif self.threat(cell): if cell.is_virus: return -cell.mass * df * 100 else: return -cell.mass * df else: return 0 def weight_cells(self, cells): weight = 0 for cell in cells: if cell not in self.c.player.own_cells: #probably unnecessary but list filtering didnt work weight += self.weight_cell(cell) return weight def process_frame(self): intervals = [] last = math.radians(45) num = 36 for i in range(num): ang = last + math.radians((360/num)) intervals.append([last, ang]) last = ang cells = list(map(lambda x: get_cells_in_interval(, x,, intervals)) cells = list(filter(lambda x: x not in self.c.player.own_cells, cells)) weights = list(map(lambda x: self.weight_cells(x), cells)) zipped = zip(intervals, weights) zipped = sorted(zipped, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True) bi = zipped[0][0] ang = bi[0] + ((bi[1] - bi[0]) / 2) tx =[0] + (200*math.cos(ang)) ty =[1] + (200*math.sin(ang)) = (tx, ty) def gradient(value): return (255-value, value, 0) def mapped_gradient(min, max, value): i = max - min s = 255/i v = abs(int(value*s)) return gradient(v) for z in zipped: gui.draw_arc(, 200, z[0], mapped_gradient(zipped[0][1], zipped[-1][1], z[1])) gui.draw_line(,, (255,0,0)) gui.draw_arc(, 210, bi, (255,0,0)) gui.draw_text(, str(round(zipped[0][1], 2)), (0,0,0), draw_centered = True) return