from agarnet.agarnet import client from agarnet.agarnet import utils import pygame from pygame import gfxdraw from pygame.locals import * import sys import math import time import random import nogui as gui # might be overridden later. import stats from subscriber import EnhancingSubscriber from interval_utils import * from pathfinding import PathfindingTesterStrategy import time class Clock: def __init__(self): self.t = time.time() self.fps_t = time.time() self.fps = 27 self.cnt = 0 self.newfps = False def tic(self): t = time.time() result = t-self.t self.t=t return result def getfps(self): self.cnt+=1 if time.time() > self.fps_t + 1: self.fps_t += 1 self.fps = self.cnt self.cnt = 0 self.newfps = True else: self.newfps = False return self.fps class ProblemException(BaseException): pass class ProblemManager: def __init__(self, setup): self.setup = setup self.problems = {} for t in setup: self.problems[t] = [] def report(self, prob): self.problems[prob] += [time.time()] self.problems[prob] = list(filter(lambda t : time.time() < t + self.setup[prob][1], self.problems[prob])) if len(self.problems[prob]) > self.setup[prob][0]: print("PROBLEM: "+prob) if self.setup[prob][2]: raise ProblemException probs = ProblemManager({"network lag":(100,5,True), "strategy lag":(5,2,False), "gui lag":(5,2,False), "high fps":(5,6,True), "low fps":(5,6,True)}) if "--nogui" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove("--nogui") else: try: import gui except: print("ERROR: could not import gui... running without gui.") # global vars sub = EnhancingSubscriber() c = client.Client(sub) sub.set_client(c) stats = stats.Stats(c) try: nick = sys.argv[2] except: nick = "" for i in range(1,10): # 10 connection attempts print("trying to connect, attempt "+str(i)) try: # find out server and token to connect try: token = sys.argv[1] addr = utils.get_party_address(token) print("using party token") except: addr, token, *_ = utils.find_server() print("joining random game") # connect c.connect(addr,token) c.send_facebook( 'g2gDYQFtAAAAEKO6L3c8C8/eXtbtbVJDGU5tAAAAUvOo7JuWAVSczT5Aj0eo0CvpeU8ijGzKy/gXBVCxhP5UO+ERH0jWjAo9bU1V7dU0GmwFr+SnzqWohx3qvG8Fg8RHlL17/y9ifVWpYUdweuODb9c=') break except: c.disconnect() c.player.nick=nick # initialize GUI gui.set_client(c) # initialize strategy strategy = PathfindingTesterStrategy(c, gui) autorespawn_counter = 60 clock = Clock() try: # main loop while gui.running: c.on_message() if clock.tic() > 1./20: print("NETWORK LAG")"network lag") gui.draw_frame() if clock.tic() > 1./40: print("GUI SLOW")"gui lag") if len(list(c.player.own_cells)) > 0: target = strategy.process_frame() if gui.bot_input: c.send_target(target[0], target[1]) stats.process_frame() if clock.tic() > 1./25.: print("STRATEGY LAG")"strategy lag") gui.draw_debug() gui.update() if not c.player.is_alive: if autorespawn_counter == 0: c.send_respawn() autorespawn_counter = 60 else: autorespawn_counter-=1 fps = clock.getfps() if False and clock.newfps: print("FPS: %3d" % fps) if fps < 24:"low fps") if fps > 50:"high fps") except ProblemException: print("Exiting due to a problem such as low/high fps, network lags etc")"stats.pickle") print("bye")