#some comments #are always cool comchar="!" rejoin=true #to which servers should be connected on startup connect=irc.freenode.net freenode.net.join="#lmuse" #freenode.net.nick="TestingMan" #freenode.net.altnicks="TestingMan2 TestingMan3" freenode.net.nick="DrunkenMan" freenode.net.pass="BotPasswort" freenode.net.paranoidnick=true freenode.net.comchar="." freenode.net.#DrunkenMan.rejoin=true #kommentar! #connect+=irc.mynetwork.net #user and group IDs the bot should run with #you can either specify the numeric ID or the name of the user/group #this only works when run as root UID=flo GID=flo #add plugins you want to be loaded right after startup here: loadplugins=postconnect #loadplugins+=keepnick usertest rejoin loadplugins+=keepnick lmuse-usergreet #loadplugins+=pong #since 2.1.10 DrunkenMan does pinging on his own #...